KCST will be open to any relevant research program proposed by the faculty of KCST as well as being responsive to research areas requested by industrial and/or governmental organizations.
Research excellence and innovation are integral to the vision of the Kuwait College of Science and Technology. Our goal is to address fundamental and strategically important questions, and to deliver economic, social and cultural impact at national, regional and international levels. We engage in internationally leading research activities and collaborations.
KCST Research Strategy is presented as a series of objectives:
Delivery of the University Research Strategy will be measured against a series of key University-level indicators and targets that will be set out in an Operational Plan. Faculties will be required to develop their own research strategies and set milestones that are aligned with the objectives identified in this University/College Research Strategy. Faculties will be asked to report progress against their own strategies and targets and these will be reviewed on a regular basis by the University’s Research Committee.
KCST Research Strategy 2016–2020 is subject to approval by the Board of Trustees.